Ethereum Fees Plummet—Etherscan Adds Decimals to Keep Up With Gas Drop

Ethereum Fees Plummet—Etherscan Adds Decimals to Keep Up With Gas Drop

Over the past few months, both Bitcoin and Ethereum users have noticed a noticeable drop in transaction fees. Ethereum’s network transfer fees, in particular, have fallen to such low levels that Etherscan, a leading Ethereum block explorer, has recently added decimal points to its gas tracker after fees dipped below 1 qwei.

Currently, Ethereum’s onchain transaction fees are at a record low. Etherscan’s gas tracker shows that the highest transaction fee is around 4.399 gwei, or roughly $0.20. If you’re looking to make a decentralized exchange (dex) swap, it will set you back about $3.45. Listing a non-fungible token (NFT) costs approximately $5.83 for a high-priority transaction, while bridging costs are around $1.11, and borrowing tops out at $2.93 at its highest priority level.

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